Saturday, March 29, 2014

New Editing and Vid Schedule!!

Hey Guys and welcome back to another blog post!
I just wanted to let you guys know that I did turn to Corel X7 and Windows Live Movie Maker for video
editing. These programs help me edit like never before! CAS vids are edited with Corel and LPs are
edited with Corel and Movie Maker. I'm so happy to announce another imprtant thing...
*Insert Drum Roll Here* There will now be an uploading schedule!! You read right! I will now be
using my new editing schedule due to school and college. With Summer being around the corner, this
schedule is *temporary*

WEEKDAYS (Mon-Thurs): None. (School)
WEEKENDS (Fri-Sun): ITF, Possible CAS, AND New LP coming soon!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

New CAS: Iggy Azalea


                  Tonight, I was inspired after watching my queen's (Iggy Azalea) video "Fancy." I think this
sim looks a little bit like her. Anyways, I'll put a link below, and you can watch. Alrighty, baii.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Current Obsessions

So as some of you know, I get obsessed easily, but here are some things I cannot get enough of:

- Lana Del Ray (The Born To Die Album)
- My ITF LP (I love Celina and Alan)
- Skittles (They're so sweet ^.^)
- The Spring Weather (It feels perfect. <33)
- Lifesimmer's Pets LP (It's amazing!)

So yeah, you should try to enjoy the things I listed. I love them and I can't get enough! I hope you all have an awesome day. Baii.

- XPandaSimmerX

Monday, March 3, 2014


Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find:

♥ Giveaway Winners (When I do one)
♥ New Videos
♥ Posts
♥ CC Finds
♥ Random Cute Things

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